Friday, January 18, 2008


So does anyone else giggle a little when people accidentally respond to the whole listserve? I think I've done it my self so I guess I shouldn't...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Blog

Hi guys. Just wanted to draw your attention to Rick Strong's new blog. It's at: and is now linked in the sidebar. About half of us are linked to personal blogs now, the rest link back to this site... click through them and check out your fellow writers if you get a chance. And if you start your own personal blog just throw me an email: hadesarrow at yahoo dot com.

Tara Broeckel also just joined us, hello Tara!

If anyone has any suggestions to things they'd like to see on this site (I'm hoping to add an rss feed for all our participating bloggers for example) go ahead and post it. If it's possible with my limited tech skills and time I'll try to make it happen.

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Semester

I'll be taking a single class this semester: Neal Chandler's Nonfiction workshop. That finishes my credit requirements so the only other thing I need to think about is the dreaded thesis.

Actually my thesis seems to be going pretty well. I'm doing a novel and I'm roughly a hundred pages in, which honestly is already further than I thought I could get. I didn't even try to write anything over break, I thought my head could use some time away from Faerieland, Oregon and I'm hoping that will help me return to my manuscript with a fresh mind. How about you, did those of you out there in NEOMFA land use the Winter break as extra work time, or as time to put things away for a little while?