Monday, January 7, 2008

New Semester

I'll be taking a single class this semester: Neal Chandler's Nonfiction workshop. That finishes my credit requirements so the only other thing I need to think about is the dreaded thesis.

Actually my thesis seems to be going pretty well. I'm doing a novel and I'm roughly a hundred pages in, which honestly is already further than I thought I could get. I didn't even try to write anything over break, I thought my head could use some time away from Faerieland, Oregon and I'm hoping that will help me return to my manuscript with a fresh mind. How about you, did those of you out there in NEOMFA land use the Winter break as extra work time, or as time to put things away for a little while?


mydisguises said...

hi, meagan. i'll be sitting out thsi semester, but do let me know how the non-fiction workshop goes. and welcome to youngstown!

Meagan said...

Ah yes... just thrilling at the thought of the drive.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meagan. I too took a break from writing the novel, but I'm feeling awful about that right now. I did rewrite a play. Playwriting is so much more fun than working on a novel!

Meagan said...

Don't feel guilty Lori... I think breaks are necessary for sanity. It will ultimately make the final product better... right? Right?